
All things written:
The Carrot Brand name, and voice and tone for Carrot communication.

Brand Name

When talking about us, please refer to us with the following capitalization, spacing, and terms:

green check Carrot or

Do NOT use any of the following:

red x InvestorCarrot, AgentCarrot, OnCarrot, or any other variation

Our Voice, AKA our “personality”

💬 Go here to see a few examples of Carrot’s voice

Confident, but not cocky.

Encouraging & friendly, but not cute & bubbly.

Intelligent, reliable, and relatable… human.

We back up our claims with data and weave our mission into our content as often as possible. We use facts, logic, context, and honesty, not hype or over-exaggeration. We also have fun and don’t take ourselves too seriously.

Essentially, we’re the friend you go to for advice and guidance — the friend you know will tell you the truth and empower you to make real, positive change. 

P.S. – We also use Grammarly Pro as our saving grace. 😉

Marketing’s Content Mission & Values

Our Content Mission

Create world-class, story-driven, data-centric content that empowers real estate professionals to master their online marketing, grow their mindset, and build lives & businesses of freedom and impact.

Our content should always be:

  1. Delivering value – ideally teaching, whether tactic, strategy, perspective sharing, or entertainment value.
  2. Something we would want to consume
  3. Reflective of our company mission & core values
red x

Don’t: Add more noise to an already noisy internet, but help people by teaching.

green check

Do: Always teach them something valuable through a tactic or story, no matter the medium or topic.

red x

Don’t: Simply try to get attention or a strong reaction. AKA clickbait & shock factor

green check

Do: Tell a full story, rich in context & helpful information or insight, always give context and transparency.

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Don’t: create viewers.

green check

Do: Build an audience that becomes a community.

“Viewers, listeners, and visitors are here today and gone tomorrow. They are victims of unsolicited content. But, an audience leaves asking for more.”